Another Life 2 Review: An Alien Contact For The Salvation Of Humanity Katee Sackhoff Back To Space

Another Life second season of the series that brings Katee Sackhoff back to space in search of an alien life form that has sent an artifact to Earth

Starring: Katee Sackhoff, Justin Chatwin, Samuel Anderson

Creators: Aaron Martin

Streaming Platform: Netflix

Ratings: 3/5 (three star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

The universe is full of films and series about aliens and set in space, and sometimes to differentiate yourself it is enough to focus on genre entertainment. Here then we begin this review of Another Life 2, from October 14 on Netflix, with a necessary premise: the series seems to have been designed over two seasons and in fact this second cycle of episodes seems to definitively close the circle, should it be stopped by the platform.

Another Life 2 Review

Another Life 2 Review: Story

It all started with the arrival on Earth of a mysterious artifact and the efforts of a couple, Niko (Katee Sackhoff returned to space after Battlestar Galactica) who, together with the space Airforce, goes on a mission on the spaceship Salvare to discover its origin, and Erik (Justin Chatwin) a scientist who stayed on Earth with their daughter and to try to communicate with the artifact. The second season begins where the first left off, with the alien species of Achaians made of light and needing electricity to feed themselves, increasingly difficult to contact and reach. The other planets they travel to appear to have been destroyed after the mysterious artifact appeared, and this species appears to control humans’ brains and breach their weaknesses. They claimed to have come in peace but are behaving ambiguously and, almost like the Thanos of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they seem to be willing to make extreme sacrifices to save the planet from its own inhabitants. And therefore also the Earth from humans,

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Another Life 2 Review and Analysis

Another Life is not a masterpiece. But its strength is that it doesn’t even try to be. If the search for epicity was the failure of Away (rightly canceled by Netflix after a season) Another Life focuses on its simplicity, on its being a substantially basic sci-fi series that does not seek philosophy, depth but focuses on pure entertainment. Not everything must always have a profound meaning. Putting together many elements of sci-fi literature and cinematography, Another Life brings home a decidedly conclusive second season in which everything happens and even when it seems impossible, our protagonist always manages to get out of trouble. Niko will probably be remembered as the character from a TV series to have made more heroic farewell speeches than ever, but always managing to save himself each time. Even the impossible becomes possible in Another Life.

Fantastic from this point of view, the ploy of having brought on board the Salvare, several crew members put in a dormant state and ready to be pulled out at any useful opportunity. A clever way to have a turnover of actors and characters with different stories and approaches to the situation they are experiencing. But we must not stop at the appearance because the meaning of the peaceful invasion of the peace bringing Achaians is powerful but on their terms, willing to do anything to save a planet that humanity is destroying. Having to give a grade of 6 is a must, impossible to give more and to give less is a bit raging on the sufferer.

Nothing is excessive in the series which for this second season is confirmed as a valid sci-fi entertainment, which focuses on emotions and relationships between the characters, in addition to the twists to capture the attention of the spectators. However, he never exaggerates in one or the other sense, in a tone of the story or in the genre in which it belongs. It moves delicately, just like the protagonist spaceship, in an increasingly vast serial and genre panorama, distinguishing itself precisely by not letting people talk too much about themselves. The ploy of awakening some members of the numerous sleeping crew thanks to soma-sleep (we are in the more or less near future in the serial) allows a replacement with some new entries and old faces ready to do the best thing for the mission. Will they be able to find and defeat the aliens, or rather to discover their true intentions and act accordingly? You will have to dive into interstellar binge watching to find out.

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Another Life 2 Review: The Final Words

We close this review of Another Life 2 by witnessing how the second season confirms it as a valid entertainment sci-di, which does not focus excessively on any of its components, neither the sci-fi, nor the emotional, nor the family one, but remains on the way of entertainment more or less for everyone, without forgetting the plot twist and cliffhanger to combine the episodes.

What Worked

  • The series keeps the tone set with the inaugural sci-fi entertainment cycle
  • Through the modus operandi of the aliens it indirectly reflects on our contribution as humanity to planet Earth (and obviously we do not get out well)
  • This second season ideally closes the circle in case the series stops running
  • He does not exaggerate in any of the tones of the story told and not even in the philosophical reflections and underlying metaphors …

What Didn’t

  • And this might annoy some, especially the more purists of the genre
  • The series doesn’t delve too much into characters

3 ratings Filmyhype

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