All Dragons From House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones! Here Is the Complete List
House of the Dragon: In the TV series Game of Thrones, there are three dragons hatched from eggs that Daenerys Targaryen has looked after a real miracle, because, as explained in the plot, all dragons have been extinct for a very long time; therefore these are the only ones present in the series. Instead, in House of the Dragon, a spin-off/prequel of Game of Thrones, it is possible to see new dragons in the period before their extinction, as the plot is set two hundred years before the events narrated in the mother series.
In this regard, the co-showrunner of House of the Dragon Miguel Sapochnik, in an interview on 2 August 2022 released to the newspaper Empire, said that in the first season of the spin-off nine of the seventeen dragons of the House Targaryen will be shown. Without revealing in detail which is all the House of the Dragon dragons in question, Sapochnik explained that each specimen will have a particular personality that will distinguish it from all the others. The updated list of dragons that have already appeared during the first season of House of the Dragon: List of dragons not yet appeared in House of the Dragon, but which may be shown during the
House of the Dragon All Dragons Shown in First Season

A huge, yellow-scaled female dragon, ridden by Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.

A gigantic and slender male of red color, first ridden by Prince Aemon Targaryen and after the latter’s death by Daemon Targaryen.

A very agile gray and silver male ridden by Laenor Velaryon.

Its name derives from a deity of ancient Valyria. She is a bronze-colored female with green and blue undertones and green eyes, ridden by Laena Velaryon.

It is a male dragon that grows more and more imposing every year. Get nervous in winter weather and the presence of ice or snow. In George RR Martin’s novels, his coloring is not described, while in the House of the Dragon TV series he has a sandy coat with reddish scales and wings. His first and only knight is Jacaerys Velaryon.
List of dragons not yet appeared in House of the Dragon, but which may be shown during the first season:
A specimen of an elderly but fierce female, with scarlet scales and shades of pink. She is called “The Red Queen” and she is ridden by Princess Rhaenys Targaryen.
An agile blue female dragon with silver wings, ridden first by Rhaena Targaryen and later by Helaena Targaryen.
A splendid female specimen with cobalt blue wings, copper belly, and blue scales like her blaze. She is ridden by Prince Daeron Targaryen and is known as “The Blue Queen”.
An elderly but imposing and prodigious male, he is one of the largest dragons seen in all of the Western Continent. Due to his chrome plating with bronze-colored scales and sand-colored wings, he is known as “The Bronze Fury” and is ridden by King Jaeherys I.
A splendid golden male dragon said for this “Sun of Fire”, is described in ancient scriptures as the most majestic specimen that has ever stolen the skies of the whole world. His knight is Aegon II Targaryen.
A pearly white male with a yellow flame, golden eyes, and a chest. He is five times smaller than Vhagar and is ridden by Lucerys Velaryon.
He is ridden by Joffrey Velaryon, the third son of Rhaenyra Targaryen, but grows slower than Vermax and Arrax, the dragons of Joffrey’s older brothers. Although he manages to make short-range flights, he is not yet ready for combat during The Dance of the Dragons, the battle for the heir to the Iron Throne.
Male specimen of pale green color, with horns, crest, and pearly wings. Slender and very fast, he is ridden by Baela Targaryen when the young woman is only fourteen and Moondancer is a little bigger than a horse.
Female dragon with pink scales and black horns, ridden by Rhaena Targaryen.
A young dragon not yet ready for combat, which is only ridden by Aegon III Targaryen.
Other dragons belonging to House Targaryen:
- Morghul , dragon of Princess Jaehaera Targaryen but never ridden.
- Shrykos was related to Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen but was never ridden.
- Sheepstealer, another dragon that is also part of Dragonstone, but was only tamed and ridden by Nettles. A young bastard because of unknown origins, but with Valyrian descent.
Also in Dragonstone are wild untamed dragons such as Gray Ghost and Cannibal.
Characteristics of dragons
The dragons of the world of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are fickle creatures who consciously choose who is worthy to ride them: the relationship they establish with their knight is like a blood pact, which lasts forever until the two sides are both alive. If a knight dies his dragon can later accept a new master, as long as he is a descendant of Valyria; a civilization located on the Eastern Continent of Essos and the only people who can ride such winged reptiles. They are creatures who are deeply attached to humans who raise them and if well trained, they respond to voice commands; a type of relationship we saw in Game of Thrones with Daenerys Targaryen and as we will also see in House of the Dragon with other members of her family. Furthermore, the body of the dragons gives off a strong heat and their breath can even melt stone and steel.
From birth, they continue to grow throughout their existence, but there is no information on the maximum size they can reach, nor to what age they can live. The longest-lived and most majestic dragon known is Balerion, ridden by Aegon Targaryen the Conqueror, who lived to be two hundred years old and died of natural causes. However, it appears that dragons raised in captivity develop less and more slowly, as those raised in the Dragon Pit, an area created by the Targaryens for their dragons, never reached the size of their ancestors. Part of this story about the Targaryen-reared dragons may also be shown in House of the Dragon.
The Story Of The Targaryen Dragons
About two hundred years before Aegon Targaryen’s struggles for conquest, his ancestors left the Valyrian Empire to land on the Western Continent of Westeros. In addition to being able to ride dragons, House Targaryen members are also capable of having premonitions. Precisely because of a night vision of Daenys – called the dreamer for this – which foresees a terrible future disaster on Valyria, the Targaryen family leaves the Eastern Continent of Essos and settles in Dragonstone. During this exodus, the progenitor Aegon also brings two dragons with him, including Balerion and five eggs.
Twelve years after the Targaryen’s departure, Valyria is truly struck by a terrible cataclysm in which all the inhabitants of the Empire and even their dragons lose their lives. As a result, the Targaryens are the last Dragon Lords in existence since then and some of these knights will be shown right in House of the Dragon alongside their dragons. During the rise of Aegon the Conqueror, there are three main dragons of the family used to fight the territory.
- Balerion is known as the Black Terror, Aegon’s dragon. According to legend, the Iron Throne was forged with his fire.
- Vhagar female dragon ridden by Visenya, Aegon’s elder sister/wife.
- Meraxes female dragon ridden by Rhaenys, Aegon’s younger sister/wife.
Daenerys Dragons
During her marriage to Khal Drogo, Daenerys received three dragon eggs as a gift from Illyrio Mopatis; a magister of Pentos, who hosted Daenerys and her brother Viserys when they are in exile after the overthrow of their family. According to Mopatis, the three eggs come from the Shadowlands beyond Asshai, but it is unclear how he obtained them, if there are others around or if he kept some for himself. The only certain thing is that after almost one hundred and fifty years in which dragons are believed to be extinct, Daenerys has given birth to three. She calls them Drogon in memory of her husband of her Khal Drogo, Viserion in memory of her brother of her Viserys, and Rhaegal in in memory of his other brother Rhaegar. After the deaths of Viserion and Rhaegar, Drogon is the only known and still alive dragon in the entire fictional world of Game of Thrones.