Ahsoka Episode 4 Review “Fallen Jedi”: The Reunion Between Anakin and Ahsoka | Disney+

Cast: Rosario Dawson, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Ray Winstone, Ivanna Sakhno, Diana Lee Ilosanto, David Tennant, Lars Mikkelsen, Eman Esfandi

Director: Peter Ramsey

Streaming Platform: Disney+

Filmyhype.com Ratings: 4/5 (four stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Ahsoka Episode 4 is now streaming on the Disney+ streaming platform, the halfway of the series. Even if after the various trailers that had sponsored the series, we were extremely surprised by the images promised by Dave Filoni and by the production, we never would have thought that with Ahsoka we could have witnessed such a well-packaged and entertaining product. This is because the first installments of the Disney+ series have exceeded our wildest expectations, giving us a story full of emotions that made us breathe the atmosphere of the far, far away Galaxy as it hasn’t happened for a while: despite the general appreciation of The Mandalorian, which had its critical issues, and Andor, a very sui generis series even for the Star Wars universe, with Ahsoka everything we expected from a Star Wars product and that we hadn’t had in Obi-Wan Kenobi is happening.

Ahsoka Episode 4 Review Fallen Jedi
Ahsoka Episode 4 Review Fallen Jedi (Image Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd)

Arriving at Ahsoka Episode 4, will the series have continued to hold its bar high, or will it have collapsed? The final episode of Ahsoka marks an essential milestone in its first season, which has been hailed as one of the most potent and most suggestive bets in the Star Wars universe. The series, created by Dave Filoni, is a continuation of the hit animated series “Star Wars Rebels,” bringing back beloved characters like Ahsoka Tano (played by Rosario Dawson), Sabine Wren (Natasha Liu Bordizzo) and Hera Syndulla (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). In this first part of the season, the protagonists come together in a search to find Ezra Bridger (Eman Esfandi). However, the Dark Side is always lurking, especially in the New Republic era. In this episode, Grand Admiral Thrawn’s allies, led by Morgan Elsbeth (Diana Lee Inosanto), attempt to rescue the villain using a hyperspace ring.

Ahsoka Episode 4 Review “Fallen Jedi”: The Story Plot

The fourth episode, titled Fall of a Jedi begins in Seatos, where Ahsoka and Sabine fight to recover a map that reveals the location of Ezra and Thrawn, which is in the hands of their enemies. While Sabine confronts the deadly Sith Shin Hati (Ivanna Sakhno) in the forest, Ahsoka manages to infiltrate the base where the Admiral’s allies decipher the map. In an epic lightsaber showdown, Ahsoka meets Baylan Skoll (Ray Stevenson), who brings up Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), Ahsoka‘s Master who fell to the Dark Side. Baylan, who knew Anakin in the Jedi Order, warns Ahsoka that his legacy will be one of death and destruction, just like his former mentor.

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Ahsoka Episode 4 Review “Fallen Jedi” and Analysis

We can say it: after watching the fourth episode of the Disney+ Star Wars show, we were extremely satisfied. The fear that, having now reached the halfway stage of the work, the series would decide to slow down and lose pace, has not materialized (at least for now). The episode, in fact, despite having some deliberate scenes of relative calm aimed at making us breathe after rather agitated moments, proceeds quickly and finally takes us to the definitive departure towards this much-vaunted new Galaxy which opens unknown doors for the Star Wars saga but which we are sure will be very important in the future and brings us closer to the truth. Now that Sabine and Ahsoka are divided, we will be able to witness two different scenarios that open up many different possibilities.

On the one hand a journey into the unknown, on the other the destiny reserved for those who remained in our Galaxy, from Hera Syndulla to Ahsoka, who, in what seems to be the World between Worlds (a reality linked to the Force between space and time and which allows you to modify an instant) will finally have the chance to come face to face with Anakin (a returning Hayden Christensen ) who was his true master and no longer with Darth Vader as happened in Star Wars: Rebels. But how did he end up there? The key to Ahsoka‘s success lies, in our opinion, in its great internal balance: this is because the series manages to balance the more introspective moments with the action ones very well. This leads the viewer to feel, on the one hand, great empathy towards the characters, well written and capable of communicating a lot with little, and on the other to remain with their eyes glued to the screen in front of the most adrenaline-filled and tense sequences.

Ahsoka Episode 4
Ahsoka Episode 4 (Image Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd)

The action scenes especially the fighting with lightsabers manage to keep the audience on their toes and to seriously fear for the fate of the protagonists as well as for the consequences that could occur in the event of defeat. This is because the stakes are high and the first thing to realize is the characters themselves: each of them has a specific objective in mind and, with great coherence, does everything to pursue it. Ahsoka is willing to put the mission to prevent Thrawn’s return above everything, even the hope of being able to find Ezra, Sabine, who instead sees in him the only possibility of getting her family back after having mysteriously lost her own, does not she want to know to give up and thus ends up betraying the trust that her teacher placed in her. On the other hand, we then have the character of Baylan, a fallen Jedi, a man who has lost his faith but who proves to possess a precise moral code that cannot help but leave us fascinated, perhaps thanks to the late Ray Stevenson, perhaps to the aura of mystery emanating from him and about which we would very much like to know more.

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This is visible, in fact, not only from the beautiful dialogues that bring them together but also from the credibility with which they interact with each other even in duels. The fights shown in the episode, in addition to being well choreographed and executed, are also capable of showing a lot of variety within them, managing to communicate a lot, leaving the viewer in tension, and providing moments of great emotion. From the fight between Shin and Sabine to that between Ahsoka and the other mysterious subject, up to that of Togruta against Baylan Skoll, each of the duels seen on stage manages to be unique and interesting. If Sabine manages to combine her skills with the lightsaber with those of a Mandalorian, Ahsoka, before acting, studies her contenders like a cat preparing to act, adapting her techniques to those of her opponent. Ray Stevenson’s character, on the other hand, does not disappoint expectations and with all his grandeur shows his fearsome nature without ever losing his statuesque calm, an aspect that differentiates him from many of the enemies presented by Star Wars and which succeeds in making us appreciate it even more.

On the other hand, if this episode manages to be so engaging, I know it owes as much to the performances of the cast as to the excellent visual aspect of the series which, at least for now, has never disappointed us. Both on the make-up, costumes, and scenography side and the visual effects side, Ahsoka Episode 4 cannot be criticized: the rendering of the effect of the holographic map, of the travel in hyperspace, and the sequences with the spaceships makes its discreet figure, which has nothing to envy of those of cinema standards. The soundtrack Furthermore, it is once again confirmed as one of the strong points of the series and contributes as usual to making the various sequences even more epic and memorable. However, even silence sometimes manages to communicate and transmit that sense of anxiety that keeps the viewer’s attention alive.

This exciting encounter has led to speculation about Ahsoka‘s fate. Has he passed away after falling off the cliff, or is he in a state between life and death? The series could explore mystical and unknown concepts in the Star Wars universe, similar to the world between worlds presented in “Star Wars Rebels.” The reunion between Anakin and Ahsoka is one of the most anticipated interactions in the series and represents a significant moment for two characters with a long history together since the movie “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” (2008). During “The Clone Wars” series, Anakin was Ahsoka‘s teacher until she left the Jedi Order. Her subsequent encounter in “Star Wars Rebels” was marked by Anakin’s transformation into Darth Vader, which adds a layer of excitement to this meeting.

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Ahsoka Episode 4 Fallen Jedi
Ahsoka Episode 4 Fallen Jedi (Image Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd)

However, the most surprising sequence occurs at the end of the episode. After a confrontation with Baylan, Ahsoka is cornered at the edge of a cliff and falls into the sea. Baylan, using the Force, connects with Sabine’s fear of loneliness and prevents her from destroying the map. He promises Sabine that they will save Ezra and gives her the sphere containing the coordinates they need. Ahsoka is presumed dead, and Sabine sets out to find Ezra and Thrawn on their enemies’ ship. However, the last scene of the episode reserves a surprise for viewers: the reunion between Ahsoka and her former teacher, Anakin Skywalker. Ahsoka wakes up in a dark place, with a glowing platform under her feet. She hears a familiar voice calling her “witty.” Startled, she turns to see her master, Anakin, standing in front of her. Ahsoka excitedly acknowledges him, and her smile is reciprocated. Interestingly, Anakin does not have the bluish appearance of Force ghosts.

Ahsoka Episode 4 Review “Fallen Jedi”: The Last Words

In short, Ahsoka Episode 4 marks the point of no return as regards the direction taken by the plot, opens up to multiple scenarios, and manages to entertain the viewer in a very convincing way, prompting us to ardently wish to be able to continue the vision as soon as possible and to theorize. What will happen to Sabine, now that she is at the mercy of the enemy? What exactly happened to Ahsoka and where exactly is she? Is hers just a vision? What will Hera Syndulla do? Will she find a way to be able to track Morgan or not? We can’t wait to find out: the appointment is on Wednesday 13 September, only on Disney+.


4 ratings Filmyhype

Ahsoka Episode 4 Review “Fallen Jedi”: The Reunion Between Anakin and Ahsoka | Disney+ - Filmyhype

Director: Peter Ramsey

Date Created: 2023-09-06 18:14

Editor's Rating:


  • The action sequences were great. The lightsaber duels between Ahsoka and Baylan Skoll were particularly well-choreographed.
  • The character development for Ahsoka and Sabine was excellent. We got to see Ahsoka struggling with her past, and we saw Sabine starting to come to terms with the death of her family.
  • The ending was a cliffhanger, which left me wanting more. I'm excited to see what happens next in the series.


  • The pacing was a bit slow at times. The episode could have been tightened up a bit.
  • The CGI was a bit inconsistent. Some of the effects looked great, while others looked a bit off.
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