A Thousand Blows: The True Story of The New Drama From The Creator Of Peaky Blinders Coming On Disney+

The creators of Peaky Blinders already have a new series on their doorstep, it’s called A Thousand Blows and promises to become a worthy successor to the story of Tommy Shelby and the rest of the projects created by this team. In addition to Peaky Blinders, Steven Knight also presented Taboo, a series with Tom Hardy that tells the story of an explorer who returns to England to reclaim his father’s business, coming into conflict with the huge and powerful East India Company.

A Thousand Blows

What follows now is a movie about the Tommy Shelby series, but also this new crime series that takes place in the world of boxing, and that also has some interesting elements of the true story ( Peaky Blinders is fiction, but it is based on in the stories of a real Birmingham gang).

A Thousand Blows Release Date

For now, it is not known, but it is reported that the series will have 12 episodes and that it will be available via the Disney+ platform where you find many of the Hulu series, which are too “mature” to be on a platform with a more familiar twist.

A Thousand Blows Story: What Is It About?

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the series follows two friends from Jamaica, Alec and Hezekiah, who arrive in East London in the late 1800s, amid the post-industrial revolution era, where they end up involved in the world of illegal boxing and crime. , where they meet the leader and members of a London female criminal gang called The Forty Elephants. The series will also present a rivalry between the fighters who seek to become the best, and a series of intrigues, mysteries and betrayals very much in the style of the Peaky Blinders.

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A Thousand Blows: The Cast

The series stars Stephen Graham (of Snatch and Pirates of the Caribbean) as a fighter named Sugar Goodson, but no further confirmation has been made for now.

Is A Thousand Blows a True Story?

The series is based on true stories, although everything is mixed with a bit of fiction. The Forty Elephants were a brutal royal gang from London, controlled by a powerful woman named Mary Carr, who was also known as The Queen of Thieves. According to Ranker, Carr and her gang were contemporaries of the Peaky Blinders, although her gang was made up entirely of women, who came to be considered the best thieves in London. According to Ranker, the women of the gang dressed in furs and elegant clothes, this allowed them to enter the luxury stores as if they owned the place, and steal everything they wanted without being detected.

The “queen” of the gang was Mary Carr (who used different names to keep her identity hidden), and it was she who imposed the rule that all her followers had to dress like respectable women of society, to avoid attracting attention during their robberies. . It is said that her suits had hidden pockets and that she even used fake arms to commit her thefts without making a fuss.

Carr became one of the most feared and dangerous women in the city, and when she ended her reign, she was succeeded by another woman known as Diamond Annie, who was the one who created some of the most creative techniques for the group of thieves. Annie used to dress in expensive, custom-made fur coats, and it is said that she enforced much stricter rules to prevent any of her thieves from getting out of hand or trying to steal her crown and title as queen of the thieves.

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Annie was only 20 years old when she took the position, and it was she who thought of dividing her gang into different groups so that they could attack more places in the city. According to RankerDiamond Annie‘s nickname comes from her putting diamond rings on all of her fingers, so her enemies would suffer more injuries when she hit them.

The gang carried out robberies for decades because they were very intelligent and had perfect techniques and plans to avoid being captured it is said that it was almost impossible to arrest them and that very few of them were caught. After Annie, a new queen arose and, supposedly, it occurred to her that the thieves began to work in the houses of rich families, so that they could also commit their robberies in that place.

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