Anna Review: Prime Video Korean Drama With Dramatic Thriller Mixed With A Little Thrilling Thriller

Stars: Bae Suzy, Jung Eun-chae, Jun-han Kim

Director: Lee Zoo Young

Streaming Platform: Prime Video Ratings: 3.5/5 (three and half stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Anna, the director’s cut version of the 8th ending of the first Korean TV drama director Lee Joo-Young, has a difference from the normal 6 endings version that has been cut in many parts after the Korean streaming Coupang Play until There is a problem with the director of the story to the point of preparing a lawsuit. This version starts this month and comes on Amazon prime video, the first exclusive in Thailand, where the added story content will help the audience understand the cause and identity of the character Anna deeply. More than the 6 ending version that many people may have seen before, in which Prime has both versions to choose from. It is recommended to watch as a director’s cut is better, even though many scenes are quite long and cut out to be more compact.

Anna Review

Anna Review: The Story

Anna is Yumi’s story. A beautiful girl, good at school, but poor at home. She was quite successful as a child until before going to university, she had a mistake in her life. This made her unable to attend the university according to the dreams that she had given to her parents. And this was the beginning of one accidental lie that completely changed her life. This story, before watching, heard that it was Suzy’s first villain role. Which, from the plot, may be able to think that way but in fact, Suzy still plays the heroine. And this is the story of the gray heroine. that looks human Much more than the heroine she played before would be more accurate because of the gray. In this regard, it was an accidental lie and had no malicious intent on anyone. And she never thought of lying. but try to make that a reality Only when the story goes on in the real world What she had hoped for did not return. and more and more faded.

The story doesn’t make the first lie worse. The series takes the first two episodes to cover the full story. Long enough to show us that she’s doing her best to live in a society where the rich oppress the poor anyway. Her character faces the kind of injustice she demands, and no one can help. which when there is no hope, serious lies will gradually occur later it shows the development of Anna’s life when trying to walk a new path that she knows is not right. and fear of the wrongs that are committed all the time but what I got is to be respected. not being oppressed as they were in the past, which is to say, it looks like with the western series Anna Maya Lie on Netflix that is also true. To be called a character like this exists. In this world, there are not many that are news. which the society after receiving the news will see that this is the act of a thief but if you come back and look at the story and go deeper You can see that they have a very similar starting point: poor houses, tried, but society blocked. oppressed by labor until it makes me feel that I must live like this until death, is that right? This was a sensible turning point that even Anna couldn’t do right. But it must be done to survive the suffering that has been received all along.

Anna Review and Analysis

The story doesn’t make us feel that Anna feels good. Because in the story, even if Anna receives good things, but must exchange for deep guilt all the time. Being in this class society, she often saw this bad things happening around her. And Anna didn’t feel good about what happened. but will not be able to reach out to help This is a character called a good person who is in trouble. More than a dark character that was initially understood. This chapter is about a gray-haired heroine. But in essence, she is still a good person who makes the audience close to her support. Plus, he would feel sorrier for what happened to her than to be annoyed or cursed to accept any karma.

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The story ends well. Don’t be afraid to be sad It’s a secretly pleasing ending when the story peaks where she must do something to survive. Even then, it might not make sense or have a very comprehensible explanation. But audiences will likely prefer this ending to the dark or tragic tone of the story that has always been. Suzy continues to perform impressively well. And this chapter seems to have been written especially for you. Because the character must rely on the beauty and charm that anyone who sees it immediately falls in love with her. It’s an important point in the story that makes her miss life’s problems as a child. And when trying to come back as an adult, her beauty is the gateway to new opportunities. And it became a problem later of her outstanding beauty throughout this story.

But it’s not that the role will make her just beautiful. Because during the first two episodes, she transforms into a poor girl. The working class who looks and believes It’s so similar that I secretly think that a child actor who looks like Suzy is playing or not. I must admit that this Korean age-defying make-up work is really like a lot. As for the supporting roles, there are three other key characters. Jung Eun-Chae, a Korean drama frequent villain, plays Hyun Joo, an aristocratic woman who is an employer who constantly oppresses her. And it plays an important role in about one story. But not as much as the other two more important characters. Ji Won, played by Park Ye-Young, is a reporter who is Yu Mi’s senior. before meeting her later in the name of Anna Jihoon is the character Qin does with what he does as a reporter.

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Anna Korean Series

But when she finds out that her friends or juniors who have been close to her for a long time are not the ones she has always seen. And when digging deeper, the more I feel that the truth that I see is very sad. What will you do with what you’ve learned? As for the supporting roles, there are three other key characters. Jung Eun-Chae, a Korean drama frequent villain, plays Hyun Joo, an aristocratic woman who is an employer who constantly oppresses her. And it plays an important role in about one story. But not as much as the other two more important characters. Ji Won, played by Park Ye-Young, is a reporter who is Yu Mi’s senior. before meeting her later in the name of Anna Jihoon is the character Qin does with what he does as a reporter. But when she finds out that her friends or juniors who have been close to her for a long time are not the ones she has always seen. And when digging deeper, the more I feel that the truth that I see is very sad. What will you do with what you’ve learned?

The story is intensely dramatic Secretly sad + always supports Anna throughout the story but it must be admitted that the series secretly stretches in many scenes unnecessarily. Makes the walk of the story secretly very sluggish, rather than being concentrated in the middle of the back. By doing streaming as well, Therefore, the script was not written to have a twist at the end of the episode to be interesting to follow like a regular TV drama. But there wasn’t much of a problem because the story was planned to continue until the very beginning. It was not taken to project normally. Makes the storyline clear, although it’s slow, it doesn’t go out to sea. And it doesn’t stretch because of the large number of episodes. But just slowly, Slowburn only climbed the peak from the gradual development of Anna’s life.

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But that’s a weak point. It’s a matter of reason that many times the story seems a little too understated. For example, during Anna’s college, attending a fake school. For a year and then he joined the journalist club again. It seems unbelievable that no one can find anything too wrong. Or some episodes cut out the descriptions that should have been completely removed, like the final ending. Make the matter seem unclear, how much is reasonable? If anyone thinks too much about realism, this is the biggest blind spot in the story. But if you don’t care, you can overlook it, it’s not very ugly either. It’s a Korean drama that tells the story of a gray drama very well, and it’s even more interesting when Suzy takes on this kind of role for the first time. and the script is very appropriate If you are a Suzy fan, don’t miss it.

Anna Review: The Last Words

Anna is A Korean drama where Suzy plays the gray protagonist for the first time, but this is a real human role. One of her most More than usual, she plays the heroine of a TV series that has it all. It’s the story of an accidental lie that turns her down and up and up. But it’s like karma that eats up the character’s mind all the time. Drama in the story is heavy and depressing throughout the story, secretly quite sluggish from being a full version without cutting anything out. But it reflects the reality of today’s society that anyone would try to survive. But the matter didn’t make what she did right. And it also balances the gray and semi-good story. There is a redemption issue that helps the audience to cheer up the heroine well. with an evocative ending as to how she will get out of this self-made whirlpool. But I must say that in the story many points seem quite unreasonable. Including the epilogue scene that lacks a good enough explanation that even makes me feel like the ending moderately.

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