Jurassic World Dominion Review: The Old School In Every Sense With Decent Action Sequences

Cast: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum

Director: Colin Trevorrow

Where To Watch: In Theaters

Filmyhype.com Ratings: 3/5 (three stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Finally, the third part of Jurassic World Dominion arrives in cinemas, released on June 9, after a four-year wait. The last chapter of the new trilogy presents fans with a gift by bringing together the two generations of the franchise – Jurassic Park and Jurassic World – nostalgically and excitingly; however, it is not very innovative, ending an already tiring cycle that has been extensively explored in his last five films. In this third and final (is it?) chapter of the franchise, dinosaurs escape their sanctuaries and now live among humans. With this, the production tries to fit both existing trilogies into a satisfying conclusion. But, with a lot of effort, this third-long struggles to recapture and rejuvenate the magical sense of awe that thrilled audiences so loudly.

Jurassic World Dominion Review

the Jurassic Era began in 1990 with the novel Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton which in 1993 became one of the most popular films by Steven Spielberg was followed by: The Lost World in 1997 always by Spielberg, based on the second novel of the same name, and 2001’s Jurassic Park 3 directed by Joe Johnston. The original trilogy has decided, starting from 2015, to give rise to a new Jurassic saga focused on the events of the famous Jurassic World Park with the events narrated in Jurassic World (2015), Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018), and Jurassic World Dominion (2022) directed by Colin Trevorrow.

Jurassic World Dominion: The Story

In the plot, four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, dinosaurs roam free around the planet; are now living and hunting alongside humans all over the world. With dinosaurs on the loose, humans must deal with this problem and find a way to peacefully coexist. However, not all dinosaurs can live in harmony with humans, causing serious problems. This fragile balance will reshape the future and determine, once and for all, whether humans will remain the top predators on a planet they now share with history’s deadliest creatures in a new era. To make matters worse, a devastating swarm of locusts is destroying human food supplies in agricultural regions of the United States after mutating with dinosaurs.

When young Maisie Lockwood is kidnapped by dinosaur smugglers, former dinosaur park employees Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard and Owen (Chris Pratt) set out in search of the girl and rescue her. Their journey takes them to a dinosaur habitat operated by a global corporation that is also being investigated by Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), who are trying to discover the causes of the new ecological disaster that is decimating plantations and suspect that the BioSyn company is involved.

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Jurassic World Dominion Movie

The plot of Jurassic World Dominion continues the events of the previous film after a hiatus of four years. And, as the subtitle points out, the central story shows the consequences of dinosaurs being released and re-taking their place in the food chain in current civilization. Amid these new environmental geopolitics, humanity is forced to adapt and try to survive the chaos caused by dinosaurs amid society – a situation that gets even worse with the arrival of the ecological disaster, caused by genetically modified locusts.

This environmental imbalance will reshape the future and take humans off the top of the food chain on a planet they now share with the most predatory creatures in history. To take advantage of this situation, a black market soon appeared, focused on hunting, capturing, selling, and even holding a kind of dinosaur fight. This illegal activity leads governments around the world to create exclusive rights for the containment and protection of dinosaurs.

And, amid all this political and ecological hurricane, is BioSyn, a genetic engineering company that takes advantage of the chaotic and uncontrolled situation to dominate the biogenetic market. What’s more, the company has a huge sanctuary to preserve various dinosaurs, called BioSyn Alley. With the power to manipulate genetic material in the palm of their hands and blinded by the desire to profit, even more, BioSyn, inevitably, does not stop making the same mistakes that InGen previously made. It is worth noting that BioSyn is in the Dolomites Mountains in Italy, and the company plays a very important role in the plot.

Keen fans may notice that BioSyn is not a company exclusively included in this film in question, and neither does Lewis Dodgson. Dodgson is the head of research at BioSyn InGen’s rival company which, in the first film in the 1993 Jurassic Park franchise, bribed InGen employee Dennis Nedry to steal some frozen embryos containing dinosaur DNA (and hiding inside a refrigerated can). In “Jurassic World Dominion”, Dodgson has a larger role, being responsible for coordinating the research and development of dinosaur cloning.

Jurassic World Dominion Review And Analysis

Continuing a franchise that, for a long time, has been part of the public’s collective affective memory is a huge challenge. But there are cases where this can be done satisfactorily. “Jurassic World Dominion” is proof of that, which takes up everything that surprises us in the original productions but does so in a very nostalgic way. The on-screen movie revisits Jurassic Park’s roots, delving into the full power of genetic engineering like never before. However, the film is unable to escape the same sense of impending doom that plagued the old theme parks.

“Jurassic World Dominion” unfolds as an intense and exciting adventure that takes the viewer into a whole new world, with different scenarios, concepts, and narrative elements. Dinosaurs are no longer isolated on islands, but free and scattered all over the planet, including among humans. With this, both dinosaurs and the human species are forced to adapt to this new reality, having to live together in such circumstances. About this narrative mentioned above, three very well-structured points are highlighted and addressed in the film in question, which is: A) the illegal trafficking and commercialization of dinosaurs in black markets; B) how the population reacts to the daily contact with dinosaurs; and C) all the damage that dinosaurs cause, whether inside cities, in rural areas and maritime areas. Add to that, too, all the media repercussions that all these disorders cause around the planet and how the world population has reacted to such accidents.

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On the other hand, the film also shows how nature adapted this new reality to dinosaurs, who need to impose themselves and demand their space in modern civilization – in addition to giving a sense of danger and threat to human beings, who are now part of the food chain. They are an excellent positive point addressed in this film, given that the end of “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” gave rise to several possibilities, where anything can happen. Colin Trevorrow again directs the third part of the second franchise after “Jurassic World” (2015). The film circulates again between laboratories that, if it weren’t for the fact that their role within the plot was well established from the beginning, one would think they are for giving visitors walks.

Jurassic World Dominion

The director, in a well-structured way, inserts references to the events that took place in Costa Rica. There’s the mud-covered can of shaving cream that Dennis Nedry used to steal the embryos; a detail that the plot does not say who or how they can be recovered on Isla Nublar. There are also incubators with baby dinosaurs and control rooms with green and red buttons. All these elements are references to the first film, from 1993, introduced quite subtly; however, with excellent mastery.

Complementing the experience are the Jurassic animals. The animatronics were masterfully constructed by designer John Nolan and his studio – responsible for numerous commercials and also in “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance” (2019), a Netflix series. If the first film, from 1993, revolutionized the visual effects era with animatronic dolls and CGI, the sixth film in the franchise continues to impress and thrill with the incredible and realistic practical effects. “Jurassic World Dominion” used both animatronics and CGI to build the dinosaurs.

Unlike the animatronics, the digital effects used to create the velociraptors turned out to be extremely gruesome. The production delivers terrible and ineffective CGI work. Sadly, it’s disappointing to realize how much “Jurassic World Dominion” failed at this point – which, at this point in the season, was supposed to be much better than it was 29 years ago when the first film in the franchise was released. The bad use of CGI in this film in question – delivering a bad result – only highlights even more what the 1993 film did best.

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About the incredible cast, “Jurassic World Dominion” has achieved the exciting feat of bringing together the 2 generations of both trilogies. Dominion brings back the trio of classic characters from the first Jurassic Park and pairs them with the main duo of Jurassic World for an incredible adventure that will need all the experience possible from everyone to solve the massive and catastrophic ecological disaster. displayed in the plot. The chemistry between Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum is stronger than ever. Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt maintain the same standard of performance, in terms of quality – delivering excellent work, as always. It is also worth mentioning the return of BD Wong as Dr. Henry Wu, a scientist who made his debut in the first Jurassic Park and returned in all the Jurassic World films.

Undoubtedly, the movie on screen belongs to the classic cast of Jurassic Park, who, more than ever, deserved to participate in this grandiose and epic finale. Undeniably, this encounter with the current cast of Jurassic World is precisely the highest and strongest positive point of the current trilogy. The production knows this and emotionally delivers this encounter; undeniably, that was precisely what the public wanted most in this new trilogy. Steven Spielberg moved the audience and marked an entire generation with Jurassic Park: Dinosaur Park” (1993), considered one of the greatest movie classics. After nearly 30 years, the franchise ends with a new trilogy and successfully rejuvenates the story for new generations. And, at this specific point, Dominion satisfactorily closes the main arcs of the current characters, especially Maisie Lockwood’s.

“Jurassic World Dominion” delivers all the narrative elements that fans of the franchise need: huge and menacing dinosaurs, lots of suspense, lots of action scenes, and tense and exciting moments. Adding to that, the production also excels in Sound Design, which is incredibly well developed. It is no exaggeration to claim that Dominion is the best film in the new trilogy; given that it delivers an exciting and thrilling production, full of adrenaline. At this point, it is important to emphasize that the third chapter puts aside the darker narrative tone that director Juan Antonio Bayona introduced in “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” (2018). With this, director Trevorrow resumes the narrative tone adopted in the first Jurassic World, which he directed, which is excellent.

Jurassic World Dominion Review: The Last Words

However, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of ending the franchise with this feature in question. When dinosaurs start appearing on screen in a secondary way within their franchise, it’s most likely time to end that cinematic cycle while it’s at its best. “Jurassic World Dominion” concludes its trilogy not only with a triumphant ending but as a completely sold-out franchise with its theme explored in every possible way, eliminating any possibility of creating something new and unknown.

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