Hawkeye Episode 6 Review: Final Episode Introduced The Final Boss To Get To The Clash

Director: Rhys Thomas

Cast: Jeremy Renner, Hailee Steinfeld, Vera Farmiga, Alaqua Cox, Tony Dalton

Streaming Platform: Disney+ (click to watch)

Filmyhype Ratings: 4/5 (four star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

In this review of the latest episode of Hawkeye available on Disney+ we must immediately underline some aspects: the presence of the final Boss makes this series very similar to a sort of video game in which, at the very end, the richest and most intriguing dish is offered and also the dynamics of the episode seem to be those of the final phase of a videogame in which the player finds himself having decisive duels between the various characters. But in addition to this videogame aspect there is something more.

Hawkeye Episode 6 Review

Hawkeye Episode 6 Story Plot

There’s Kate who discovers how her mother is Kingpin’s ally and is among those who work to want Clint Barton’s death, and then there’s Yelena, seeking revenge after losing Natasha Romanoff, and, in her opinion. Hawkeye himself is responsible for this loss. The action and the fights are the main ingredient of this latest episode of Hawkeye, an episode made up of many fights, which are well choreographed, filled with humorous situations, and even some dramatic aspect. The load, from this point of view, is offered by the character of Maya, who will find different motivations right at the end, which will lead her to fight against her own allies.

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To surround it all there is a beautiful Christmas atmosphere, unusual as regards the shows and contents of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but which manages to be effective, and to accompany the fans in a season finale that, in the end, is all ‘height of expectations. Let’s be clear, Hawkeye does not add or take away from the Marvel contents that have been shown so far through the other films and TV series of the House of Ideas, but it can be a small variation on the theme, at least as regards the character. protagonist and certain atmospheres. The fact of giving space to Jeremy Rennerin a show entirely dedicated to his character it makes sense, also because he is one of the figures with the strongest dramatic potential in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. And Renner is one of the actors with the greatest dramatic skills in the whole park of the House of Ideas. This is an aspect that creates a fairly unequal comparison with Heilee Stainfeld, who in dramatic situations does not seem to be very convincing, and which works much more in humorous and comedy moments.

There is a scene in this latest episode of Hawkeye in which Kate Bishop describes what makes Hawkeye special, a character who apparently has no great superpower, but who is gifted with disproportionate courage and heroism and in order to be an example. For this reason, Kate’s character has taken Hawkeye as a model from the beginning, and this first collaboration seems to be the beginning of a partnership that should take the two even further in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What will become of the future of some characters in the MCU is not easy to understand, also because Hawkeye is part of that very first generation of Marvel superheroes that were launched on a cinematic level in the first years of production. However, considering that in the role of Hawkeye is an interpreter like Jeremy Renner we are talking about a potential yet to be fully explored and Kate Bishop in all this offers a good variation.

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Hawkeye Episode 6 Review and Analysis

Hawkeye has come to its conclusion, just before the Christmas holidays, and Clint Barton’s goal, moreover, is to be able to return home to celebrate Christmas Day with his family. We said in previous reviews that this rush to the homecoming during the holidays makes Hawkeye look like the cult movie starring John Candy and Steve Martin A Ticket for Two and in fact even the ending won’t go very far. However, first of all we must underline the final boss’s appearance: we are talking about Kingpin, who in the previous episode had made a fleeting appearance, just as an appetizer for this juicy performance. Vincent D’Onofrio was born to play this character, and also moved within the Marvel Cinematic Universe makes his figure, even if the fact that the tones of the series on Hawkeye are less dramatic weakens some aspects of his performance.

Hawkeye Episode 6

Just as Spider-Man: No Way Home opened to the multiverse in Hawkeye we find an opening to a part of the Marvel universe that until now had been a bit set aside: we are talking about Netflix productions linked to the House of Ideas. This Hawkeye certainly offered an important insight that we will see how much weight it will have in the future of the MCU. Certainly the fact that Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin has become part of this narrative universe represents a great advantage for Marvel Studios.

We conclude this review of the latest episode of Hawkeye by underlining how the TV series dedicated to Hawkeye does not add or take anything away from the Marvel cinematic universe, but which still represents an interesting variation on the theme, tasty to see during the Christmas period, and who also added one more idea: the Musical about the Avengers, which is celebrated even in the final episode, and which perhaps could give birth to a real project. We will see what happens, certainly this seems to be “a disturbing universe”.

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Hawkeye Episode 6 Review The Last Words

A last episode of Hawkeye that moves on a sort of videogame level in which the final boss is introduced precisely to get to the clash with the protagonists of the series, who alternate in a mix of moments divided between action, humor and drama. An episode that has the right mix of action, humor and drama. The Christmas frame creates a nice atmosphere around this Marvel content. The Kingpin final boss is a great level addition.

4 ratings Filmyhype

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